When Is it Time for a Commercial Roof Replacement?

Commercial roofing, like residential roofing, is not invulnerable to the elements or regular wear and tear. At some point, it may need to be replaced, but when should this occur? Below are several factors that will help you decide.

Four Signs a Commercial Roof Replacement Is Necessary

The following may indicate the roof requires replacement:

1. Age: The age of the roof plays a significant role in determining whether it is time to replace it. Diverse types of roofs can outlast others, so make sure you know what type and its allocated parameters of endurance. If it has passed its designated date, be sure to have a roofing expert examine it, just in case.

2. Condition: What condition is the roof in? Does it show any visible marks of existing or potential issues such as:

a. Leaks

b. Cracks

c. Sagging

3. Extent of Damage: If the damage is not minor, but if the leaks are persistent, the roof may require a replacement and not repairs.

4. Energy Inefficiencies: If a commercial building is requiring more energy to maintain the temperature at a comfortable level, this can indicate a failing roof system.

Commercial Roof Replacement

If you want to maintain the integrity of the structure housing your building, make sure you have a roof maintenance system in place. This will forewarn you about existing and potential issues. Know the basic facts about your roof and consult a roofing specialist about repairing or replacing your roof. They will have the knowledge and the expertise to validate one solution or the other.


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